Research and Innovation


In agriculture, the future lies in research and innovation. This is the key to addressing the challenges we face every day, from climate change to environmental and social sustainability, to market demands to satisfy increasingly attentive and aware customers and consumers

Coltivazioni certificate GAP/GRASP


The crucial moment, the strategic choice, for preparing all the activities and for the company's success is the selection of the right variety, the one that is the most suitable for our business and market outlets, and a quality and certified seed.
We collaborate with the major seed companies and support them when selecting a potential seed, providing not only our land but also our knowledge and tools to ensure that we obtain only the best product.
Our specialised agronomists watch over the growth and development of our plants with passion and dedication, bringing all the goodness and freshness from the earth directly to the table of our customers in a single fruit.
Another area in which our specialist staff stand out is our continuous research into the elimination of pathogens in order to ensure a longer shelf life for our products.

GLOBAL G.A.P. certification

Farming best practices concern people too

We apply the principles of integrated protection: a strategy allowing us to control damages coming from plants parasitics, while respecting health and environmental concerns. 
Among the methods we use, we cover the plants with nonwoven fabrics, thus reducing the use of pesticides and replacing them with beneficial insects. 
Our commitment to the safety and quality of our marketed products is proven by the several checks done by external accredited labs, which realize microbiological and chemical analysis analyses on a regular basis, and recertify the quality of the product.
For these reasons, we adopted the voluntary certification GLOBAL G.A.P – GRASP, a protocol that certifies the compliance of rigid parameters at each level of the production chain, for the safety and security of both food and our workers. 
Through the code GLOBAL G.A.P – GRASP we obtained a clear identification and traceability at an inter-company level, and it’s our passport for the global market. 

Prodotti certificati - Unifruit
Certificazione Global GAP   
   Certificazione Global GAP - GRASP